Will be installed on the rink masking mode? News – socio -political newspaper of the Veshkim district of the Ulyanovsk region

The time has come for winter entertainment.

One of the most massive and loved ones is skates. After all, this is a wonderful family weekend, and a romantic date, and sports, and rest. On social networks, the Veshkaymers ask: “In which villages and villages will rollers flood in the Veshkim region? When you can stand on the skates at the stadium in the r.p. Veshkayma? Will the mask mode be installed on rinks?The specialist in youth, physical culture and sports of the administration of the municipality Veshkaymsky district Alexander Krasnov is responsible: Alexander Krasnov:

– The development of winter sports is a priority area in the region and area. The rollers began to accept the first visitors. This year, seven hockey courts will work in winter. In the villages of Kargino, Mordovian white key, Beketovka, Ermolovka, the village of Charlovo, R.P. Chufarovo, R.P. Veshkima rinks are ready to accept lovers of winter types of recreation and sports. In the r.p. Veshkayma rink at the Story Stadium works from 8.00 to 21.00.

What innovations did the pandemic bring to the work of rinks? According to medical workers, in the open air with a small number of people on skating masks, it is not necessary to wear masks, but in closed rooms, for example, in the locker room, this is a necessary attribute. With a large number of skittors, it is necessary to observe the distance. Take care of yourself! And those who are next to you!We invite both children and adults to the rink. Sports and fresh air games strengthen immunity.

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