ZIS -101A SPORT – Forgotten Soviet sports car – CAR – August 16 – 43899426877 – MIRIRTESEN MEDIC

Спортивный автомобиль ЗИС-101А-Спорт. СССР - Альтернативная ...

ZIS-101A SPORT-Forgotten Soviet sports car

In the late 30s, in the USSR they created a sample of the promising Soviet sports car ZIS-101A Sports. The car was innovative for its time, but in the series it was not. In the USSR, different cars were created, including not the most standard ones. Often, foreign models were simply copied in the country, but in the 30s – August 16 – 43899426877 – the Migrtesen media platformIn the USSR, different cars were created, including not the most standard ones. Often, foreign models were simply copied in the country, but in the 30s some enthusiasts tried to develop completely unusual specimens. In a vast state, the motorsport was not developed at all, but local designers made attempts to fix it.

In 1936, the ZIS-101 fell on the conveyor, which was a limousine for party officials. His appearance prompted the plant engineers to design his own sports car. He received a 141-horsepower engine, a height of 1.85 meters, a width of 1.9 meters and a length of 5.7 meters. The modification was installed on the ZIS-101 chassis with a large wheelbase, the mass of the novelty reached two tons.ЗИС-Спорт / Винтажные автомобили / Твой БлогDesigners have developed only one prototype ZIS-101A SPORT. The war began, and the project was abandoned. It is not known what happened to the sports car, it is not ruled out that he was liquidated in 1941. At the same time, on the basis of pictures several years ago, enthusiasts created a copy of that machine.


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