The meaning of sports in human life does not give up its positions

SCS in the arena.

The north year after year, the number of people entering the sports ranks is growing markedly. The importance of sports in a person’s life does not give up its positions.

A year after year, the number of people entering the sports ranks is growing markedly. The importance of sports in a person’s life does not give up its positions. This is not only an indispensable pill from many diseases, but also an effective and part -time safe stimulator of brain activity, a method of increasing physical strength and endurance, a way to reduce stress. For some, sport is a favorite hobby, for others it is a matter of life.

In addition to desire, nothing is needed to realize all these goals, since countless opportunities surrounded us from all sides. These are sports shops where you can buy everything for independent sports, and numerous sports complexes, where professional trainers and necessary equipment help athletes prepare for the conquest of new peaks. One of these complexes is a multifunctional sports complex (IFSK) Arena.Saver located in one of the largest cities in Russia – Krasnoyarsk.

“Arena. North ”is not in vain called a multifunctional sports complex. On an area of ​​23,890 square meters, the complex combines platforms for ice sports, basketball, volleyball, mini-football, tennis, climbing, fitness and ballroom dancing. Modern sites are focused on holding regional, regional, as well as international competitions. And when the XXIX World Winter Universiade was put in the plans for 2019, the complex was subjected to some changes in order to accept participants and guests at the proper level. As part of the preparation of the Arena. North ”to the Universiade planned overhaul, including roof updating, partial replacement of windows and doors, zoning of premises according to the requirements of international sports standards, as well as a set of work on the decoration of the premises.

Along with external changes, a comprehensive modernization of the internal component of the complex was planned, including a structured cable system (SCS). The introduction of SCS will help to achieve the goals set by the management. One of the goals was the installation of the fence and the organization of a checkpoint, which will ensure the safe finding of citizens on the territory of the complex. Another goal is the introduction of modern technology and electronics, with which participants and visitors of events will be able to observe high-quality TV broadcasting.In order for all innovations to function, the management of the complex needed to build a structured cable system (SCS) with video surveillance.For impeccable operation of this system, both high -quality components are required that will last long years and skillful installers.

The company was engaged in the creation of a project for security television and television surveillance systems LLC Telecommunications and Security Systemswhich in multifunctionality is not inferior to the complex itself. In the power of its employees to develop an effective project, and implement it, and serve in the future. The company has numerous successfully completed projects and a good reputation among customers.

Trust from customers is priceless. Therefore, the brands that provided the project with all the necessary components for the creation of SCS were selected according to the same principle – based on trust. Nikomax and TLK are brands that have been firmly established in the Russian market, the components of which meet the requirements of all the necessary standards. A wide range of products will help in the implementation of a project of any scale, and the high quality and long -term system guarantee of the NIKOMAX SCS guarantees uninterrupted and long -term operation of the constructed SCS.

For the project, an unexplored and shielded Nikolan cable of the 9th series of category 5e was selected. And since Arena. The North ”is a place where a large number of people are concentrated, preference was given to the cable performed by LSZH (compound with low halogen content). In total, it took 215 bays, which in the aggregate is more than 65,000 meters. The organization of the structured cable network also involved the 5E and 6 categories modules, adaptable and unexpected standard and set panels and other SCS components.
To accommodate the equipment, 10 TLK telecommunication cabinets of the TFL series were used, which differ not only in increased carrying capacity, but also with a reasonable price, and 17 TFR cabinets with a more simplified design.

The installation of the future system was engaged in two companies at once. But the company took up the main layer of work Krasnoyarsk Techn Service, which is powerful of a project of any complexity. Founded in 2005, the company is already approaching its third anniversary and is serious competition for other players in the IT sector. Employees of the company are highly qualified specialists, so that work at all stages is carried out at a high level. And the Arena. Sever project proved a high level of their preparation. Without departing from the plan, it was exactly 1,500 ports-ports, with the help of which all the ideas to create a safe environment for visitors to the complex and the implementation of TV broadcasts during competitions came true with drawings.

The information structure of the building is the most important part of the entire enterprise. Any error during the installation of components laid down in the project can harm the efficiency and performance of the generally active equipment.Therefore, the level of responsibility at this stage is extremely high. But, despite the entire complexity of the project, the introduction of the SCS into the Arena.Saver sports complex passed without much difficulties and any pitfalls.

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