Sportmaster "Bankotrot or not – new conditions of the store


Is it true that Sportmaster declared itself bankrupt. A new store of the store for the time of quarantine. What awaits the company's employees in the future.

Does Sportmaster face bankruptcy, and how does the network work in a quarantine?


In connection with the deterioration of the general situation in the global market provoked by coronavirus, many companies are forced to send their employees to unpaid leave. The Sportmaster’s chain of stores, a leader in sports inventory and sportswear in the Russian Federation, did not go around the chain of stores. And this is what gave rise to a lot of rumors that even such a giant could not cope with the load, and will soon be forced to recognize himself bankrupt. Is this really so and what happens in one of the most successful companies?

Suspension of the work of the Sportmaster retail network during the quarantine period, but not bankruptcy

In the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, pursuing the goal of protecting their employees from infection and simultaneous maintenance of jobs, the leadership of Sportmaster was decided to temporarily transfer part of their stores into the non-contact issue of online orders, as well as the organization of express delivery.

By decision of managers, of all the stores available in Russia, the chains work in the usual format a little more than 70 points. At the same time, according to the data provided on the official website of the company, 170 stores throughout the Russian Federation were transferred to the operating mode of the pickup points.


The validity period of this kind of restrictions is determined by the general provisions of quarantine in the country. This suggests that the activities of the remaining chain stores in the Russian Federation will be completely suspended before the end of restrictive measures.

At the same time, Sportmaster continues to deliver its goods to customers. It is noted that the demand for goods of sports destiny has not fallen at all, and according to experts, even increased slightly.

That Sportmaster offers its employees

The fact that the leadership of the retail network was very not indifferent to the fate of its employees cannot but rejoice. According to the assurances of the managers of this company, all persons who are part of Sportmaster and because of forced downtime cannot receive wages in full, will be transferred to temporary work by call-centers for receiving online orders, involved in targeted delivery or Thrown to the distribution centers.

According to Dmitry Odorov, who holds the post of director for sales and the development of the Sportmaster chain of stores in Russia, those employees who will not be among the lucky, the company promises not to leave a saving boat overboard.


Sellers-consultants, movers, logists and cashiers, as well as a significant part of specialists engaged in marketing research and communications, will receive a referral for temporary work in the department: the remaining without work:

  • Russian Post;
  • Wildberries;
  • Pyaterochka;
  • Magnet;
  • Ozone;
  • Yandex. Laws;
  • Sbermarket.

All of the listed organizations and retail chains have expressed personal interest in additional labor, so citizens who agreed to such a move will receive official work in combination, which in no case will affect the receipt of fixed income at the main place of work.

At the same time, such persons will also receive a monthly surcharge of 5 thousand rubles from Sportmaster LLC during the entire period of part -time.

As soon as the work of stores resumes in the previous schedule, employees will be able to return to their jobs. The Directorate of the Megamarket does not interfere with the dismissal of employees. According to official information, they wished to terminate the official employment contract about 5% of employees.

Will the company declare itself bankrupt or not

Today, quite a lot of sources claims that the giant Sportmaster, which is owned by four entrepreneurs who once graduated from the MIP, conceived an unkind to workers and are trying with all their might to secure a comfortable existence under the noise of the epic with coronavirus.

According to experts, condemning the actions of the management of a megamarket for the sale of sports equipment and clothing, the management decided to close the store due to the fact that it does not bring the expected income, and the costs of maintaining personnel are not at all paying off the minimum of sales that are recorded today .


In what cases is the application for bankruptcy is submitted

The basis for initiating bankruptcy cases is the presence of debt to state funds and the lack of payment within 3 months. In this case, the amount of underpayment should be at least 300 thousand rubles.

Both the company itself and its creditors, as well as authorities authorized to such actions, can initiate bankrupt. Allows the law to open a bankruptcy case and citizens who have not received wages or benefits when calculating in full.

Pros and cons of financial failure status

Among the visible advantages of obtaining the status of an enterprise that has lost liquidity, the possibility of getting a relief in terms of rent and credit payments, as well as the potential possibility of tax discounts (in particular, adjustment for VAT or income tax) is visible. Another option, which involves obtaining the status of bankrupt, is the desire of the company's management to begin the history of work “from scratch”.

Among the minuses, it is possible to distinguish market losses and distrust of the company, which in the future can negatively affect the overall economic situation. In addition, a company that has submitted an application for recognition of itself bankrupt may be a ban on continuing activities even under the guise of another organization.


All this raises deep doubts that the Sportmaster, even under the current conditions, will agree to initiate a case of recognition of himself bankrupt.

Graphs of stores in Russian cities

During the quarantine period, the chain stores work in special mode. Most of them accept visitors from 10.00 to 21.00 or from 9.00 to 20.00. Complete and relevant information regarding the schedule and the status of the store can be obtained on the Sportmaster website.

The work of online stores and all points of delivery in the country is organized strictly in compliance with quarantine measures aimed at preventing the mass infection of the population with a deadly and very virulent Covid-19 virus.

One of the inconveniences that the leadership of Sportmaster warns its customers in advance is that in connection with the possible transfer of the pandemic strain of coronavirus, it will not be possible to try on clothes in the fitting room.

As in all other hypermarkets, visitors will have to observe a social distance and be sure to use personal hygiene and antiseptics.


How long restrictive measures will last, and what the Sportmaster network awaits in the future, even experts cannot predict. To date, the situation is stable, and the leadership refutes all the speculation and rumors about the collapse of the empire.

To prove stability and unreasonable accusation, it gives data that work continues to update the assortment of seasonal sportswear in the warehouses, the prices of which will remain stable and affordable to the population, even if his income has recently fallen significantly.

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